Monday 18 April 2011



                                            Kanipakam is a Hindu temple for the god Ganesha located on Aragoondu Road in Irala mandal of Chittoor district
There is an interesting legend about the sthalapurana of this ancient temple which has 1000 years history. About 1000 years back, three physically handicapped blind, dumb and deaf persons were eaking their livelihood by cultivating a piece of land near Viharapuri village. On one day two persons were taking out water with the help of a picot and the thisd person was irrigating the land. After some time water was exausted in the well. One person took a spade and hit a stone inside the well and blood started flowing continuously, when the three handicapped pesons touched the water mixed with blood,  surprisingly they became normal persons. After digging for some time they found an ido   of Lord Sri Vinayaka in the well with an injury on the head oozing with blood. They could not take out the idol as it was growing in size,as they were digging. They informed the villagers about this surprising phenomena. People came running with cocunuts and other pooja materials to worship the Lord Sri Vinayaka. They broke thousands of Coconuts, the coconutwater was spread to an area of one and quarter acre. In the local language it is called as "Kani". That is how the palce was called as "Kanipakam" since then.


Long ago there lived two brothers Sankha and Likhita. They were on a pilgrimage to Kanipakam. As the journey was tiring, the younger brother Likhita felt hungry. Disregarding the advice of the elder brother he plucked a mango from the mango grove. Sankha felt bad and reported this to the ruler of that area and pleaded for punishment for the sin committed during the pilgrimage. Thus Likhita was punished severely being deprived of both arms.                                                                       
Later they took bath in the river near Kanipakam temple. Lo Behold! The chopped arms were restored to Likhita as soon as he had a dip in the sacred waters of the river. These incidents lead the ruler to rename the river as Bahuda (Bahu means human arm). Thus the river beside Kanipakam temple is now known as 'Bahuda River'.                                                                                                       
The swayambhu idol of Kanipakam is the up-holder of truth. Day to day disputes between people is resolved by taking a 'special oath'. The people in the dispute take a holy dip in the temple tank and swear before the lord. It is taken as gospel truth.     
There are instances when the person who committed that sin voluntarily agrees as soon as he had the dip and much before entering the temple itself. It seems the Lord lawns invisibly on the sinner and makes him repent & feel guilty for his sinful deeds.                                   
The Temple is located in the village town of Kanipakam which is 12 km from Chittoor and 70 km from Tirupati.                                                                  

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